Good news – any person of any age can participate! High schoolers are encouraged to be a part of this because of the many benefits that come from it – inside and outside of school.
PSB, or Philadelphia Service Bucks, are our way of keeping track of the work done. For every hour of community service completed by a member, they will earn one PSB. Each member will have an account where their total service hours and PSBs will be tracked.
Click one of the register buttons on our website. It’s completely free to you!
Our network of mentors spread over many professions! If one interests you, use your PSB’s to cash in a mentorship opportunity. Depending on how many PSB’s you have, you can have anything from a video call to shadowing him/her for a day.
By becoming a member, you can see where there will be a certified tracker from the Philly Service Exchange and when. Go to the service opportunity, check in with a leader, and do your community service for however long you would like! On your way out, be sure to let a PSE certified leader know so they can check you out.